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Artist Portal

Spring Festival Information 

Members Only

BEFORE the Show


  • Provide your latest photos and bio via the upload. These will be used in the weeks leading up to the show via social media and email marketing.



  • Distribution of flyers and posters is essential and will be handed out 3-4 weeks prior to our show and require as many members to assist in this task as possible. One person will coordinate locations.

  • Go to the Artist Portal and download a digital version of the poster and flyer for your use on social media and emailing.

Road Signs:

  • Road signs are placed on the Sunday prior to the show. CCA lets us use their sandwich boards. They will need to be collected from the Community Centre. The signs are stored at 1510 Canton St. One person will coordinate locations and keep a record for retrieval.


Advertising and Social Media

  • We hope that you hold at least one social media account and make regular posts to help with advertising. Tag Art in the Neighbourhood at every opportunity.

  • A media liaison will coordinate posting events in various media outlets, on-line networking, and local newspapers.

  • One person will manage the social media specifically for Art in the Neighbourhood using your photos and bios.

  • ​

Door Prize Donation:

  • Contributing a donation piece/gift card is voluntary and goes towards creating positive word of mouth advertising for our show and for each artist who donated. 

  • Be sure to have your donation uploaded ahead of time as this is used in our advertising campaign. There is a link in the Portal.​​


High School Volunteers:

  • We may be lucky enough to have some student volunteers. The coordinator will reach out to area high schools for recruitment. UPDATE: It looks like we have 10 student volunteers to lend a hand!


Artwork Price Cards:​

  • An electronic title/price card template is provided via the Artist Portal and is to be printed by each artist and placed next to the corresponding piece on the grid.

  • Your price tag should include your table number so patrons will know where to find you.


The DAY of the Show:


  • There are two loading zones - one at each end of the rink. We will offload there and then park in the larger main parking lot at the Community Centre. Please park at the furthest distance as to allow patrons to park in the vicinity of the rink.

  • During the show there will be only one door open to the public. The other is to remain CLOSED.


  • The tables (standard 6') and chairs are provided by the City and should be out by 7:00 am on Saturday, May 11. 2024. Keeping our fingers crossed!

  • The team for tables will ensure tables are numbered in their correct place. We'll have a floor plan ahead of time, with all places marked. The floor plan can also be downloaded below.

  • Each artist will have a table and chair as part of their participation fee (Unless other arrangements are requested. It is expected that you provide your own table covering and name sign for your table. 

  • The artists will take payments at their own table and independently. Many use a digital system such as Square. Wifi is NOT available.

  • Art pieces are displayed on artists’ own tables, such as wood, pottery, sculptures, jewellery, fibre, cards and small pieces.

  • Be sure to have a full sized table cloth,  your name/artist name clearly visible and your table number sign (which you are to print ahead of time an bring with you)


Gallery Grids:

  • The volunteer team for the grids will set those up FIRST, before any artist begins hanging pieces. This requires a cooperative effort.

  • Owners of the grids need to make sure their grids are labeled for easy identification.

  • The best effort is made to curate the artwork and have enough space for all artists' pieces. This is always like a "roll of the dice" as we never know how many and which sizes people will bring. It is usually very magical in how it all comes together.

  • ​You can only bring the art medium for which you have been juried and approved. 

  • Hanging of art on grids and individual table setup will be available from about 8:00 am on Saturday when the grids have been put in place. 

  • ​

Prices on Grids

  • Do not place the price tags on the artwork, but next to it. Using a fastener...sticky tack, specific grid fasteners, or masking tape are all options.


Welcome Table

  • The team for this will set up near the entrance which will include a large exterior banner, a flag, a gallery banner, a table with a sign-in book, and business cards. A life-sized diorama may also be an option. 


Door Prize Table:

  • ​The team for this will set up all the donations from the artists on a set of tables. Each donation will have its own ballet box so patrons can choose which draw they would like to be in. Near the end of the show artists will take their ballets and draw their own names. 


  • Breakdown of grids and tables from 4:00 pm until 5:00 pm.


During the show:

  • Make sure to have your name and table number visible at your table with a table covering.

  • It is not necessary to stay glued to your table; especially if you are a visual artist. Mix with the patrons within the gallery and chat with people. People like to hear about your art and what inspires you.


AFTER the Show:


  • Everyone is responsible for removing all their artwork from the grids and the tables. â€‹Grids are stacked together for the owners to take home.


Door Prize Winners:

  • Each artist will collect their door prize and their ballot box tickets to contact their chosen winner. Once you have picked your winner. remember to give all the slips to those who are collating the data.


Road Signs:

  • The team for this will need to collect all then signs from their locations and return the A-frames to Canterbury and the signs to their storage address - 1510 Canton Stree.


Collating Data:

  • Those who volunteered to collect the data will take the slips from the door prize bags.


Sales Report

  • We like to keep track of our total sales for each show and have been doing it since 2016. Please use the Portal link to complete the form after the show. We don't publish individual sales so it remains private.


Things to note: 

  • We use S hooks, zip ties, and grid hooks for hanging art on the grids. These are NOT provided.

  • Individual artist name tags are provided if you are new. Artists provide their own lanyard or pin for wearing. Returning artists will reuse the previously provided one.

  • Washrooms are available inside the community centre. 

  • Each artist is responsible for any items damaged, stolen or lost. The City covers basic liability insurance. If you wish extra, vendor insurance is available at for as low as $16.00


Revised January 1, 2025

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